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Science Scavenger Hunt with Steve Sherman | Public | Online


Join international edutainer Steve Sherman, Chief Imagination Officer of, in this whacky and wild science scavenger hunt. Fast paced and action-packed, Steve will keep you on your toes as you endure brain teasers, physical challenges, games and activities in a bid to be crowned the South Easts Smartest Science Scavengers!

STEM Scavenge and Quiz | Children | Waterford

Ardkeen Library

[FULLY BOOKED]. The Ardkeen Team are 'keen' to make Science stick, so what better way than making it fun? A facts and puzzles treasure hunt sends you and your team on a quest to see who has the best Science General Knowledge - an excellent warm-up for the quiz to follow.

Science Scavenger Hunt with Steve Sherman | Public | Online


Join international edutainer Steve Sherman, Chief Imagination Officer of, in this whacky and wild science scavenger hunt. Fast paced and action-packed, Steve will keep you on your toes as you endure brain teasers, physical challenges, games and activities in a bid to be crowned the Wexford's Smartest Science Scavengers!