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Family Scavenger Hunt
Join international edutainer Steve Sherman, Chief Imagination Officer of, in this whacky and wild science scavenger hunt. Fast paced and action-packed, Steve will keep you on your toes as you endure brain teasers, physical challenges, games and activities in a bid to be crowned the Wexford’s Smartest Science Scavengers! If you think you have what it takes to beat other Irish Families in Wexford then BRING IT!!
PLEASE NOTE this is going to be a TEAM event (you can have a minimum of 2 people in your team).

You will need a device to take part (mobile phone, tablet, laptop or pc). Sign up your family for the Scavenger Hunt HERE. Instructions will be emailed to you just before the event commences.

You will have the week-end to complete the challenges. They are designed to accommodate all ages and abilities and creativity is highly recommended.

FREE EVENT. But registration is required.