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South East Engineering Festival

During the South East Engineering Festival, people in the South East of Ireland have the opportunity to learn what engineers are, what they do, and how they do it.

|Adults| Robert Boyle Summer School

The Summer School is an event for adults interested in exploring the role of science in our culture. It brings together speakers on a particular theme and is typically held on a weekend around summer. Click on the event title for more information.

|Families| Bealtaine Living Earth Festival

From 18th-26th May 2024 we will celebrate Ireland’s biodiversity and natural heritage, and uncover the challenges we face in the UN’s Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.

SETU STEM Entrepreneurship Summer Camp

SETU - Waterford

The Summer camp is a great gateway for students to explore STEM and Entrepreneurship, gain confidence, learn communication skills,  make new friends and have fun! It is a special chance for students to explore the world of innovation, and entrepreneurship coupled with Science and Engineering, introducing your students to the innovative process of design thinking.


SETU - Waterford

The initiative was developed to provide sustained engagement through partnership in the South-East in Ireland. STEMreach connects higher education, industry, governmental and non-governmental bodies with primary and post-primary schools and wider society and is designed to benefit educational attainment, economy and culture in the region.