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As part of Science Week 2023 (11-19th Nov.) CALMAST and Waterford Spraoi are delighted to present ‘Where art meets science’.
The DNA ‘double helix’ is familiar to most us but have you ever wanted to find out more? These workshops offer the opportunity to learn more about DNA in a fun and creative way.
You are invited to join SPRAOI artists and SETU scientists for a creative participatory workshop. Work with wire, paper, fabric, glue and colour to create elements of the DNA structure. Learn how DNA structure is formed.
The artworks completed at the workshops will combine to form a large scale DNA model for display at SETU Main Campus Atrium.
No creative or scientific expertise is required.
Audience: individuals/ families including children 10years or over.
Venue: Waterford Cultural Quarter Building 16-18 O Connell St. Waterford.
This is a FREE EVENT (booking required). Book tickets HERE.