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The Explorers Education Programme, funded by the Marine Institute are delighted to present our Virtual Tour Series. Investigating themes from what lives in our freshwater areas to ocean connections and care through 6 engaging videos. Each video has activity suggestions and a quiz at the end to test the students on what they have seen in each episode.

Throughout the series students will become familiar with some of the fish living in our local environments together with those that live further afield, in tropical habitats. Learn about the lifecycle of our most common shark species, the dogfish and also find out how our actions can impact the environment in both positive and negative ways.

Free accompanying worksheets for each video cover a range of cross-curricular links from Science, history, geography art and english, making this the perfect way to bring the ocean directly into your classroom.  

For a sneak peek see:

Explorers Wild about Wildlife on the Seashore: Seashells & Friends 

The Explorers team in Galway will take you on a journey down to the seashore where they discover some of the coolest seashell creatures. Learn what seashells are bivalves and which ones are gastropods, how they survive the harsh environment, and what they like to eat! Noirin tells us all about the seashell treasures along the upper shoreline. She also makes a discovery – which looks like a seashell but it’s not! Anna finds some of the tiniest periwinkles and top shells with the coolest spirals feasting on seaweeds in the rockpools in the middle shore. Padraic also finds his way to the lower shore hunting down the carnivore dog whelk, that loves to make limpets into soup! 

This presentation is targeted towards 3rd and 4th Class students.

If you would like to register for this event, please see our homepage for link to registration form.