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The Internet of Things –

SETU lecturer Frank Walsh and student Dominik Wawak joined Rob O’Connor in the studio to discuss the Internet of Things. The discussed some samples projects, the technologies involved, how it all fits together and where it might be going. There is also a conversation about beer – as Frank used a homemade IoT setup to help him brew his own!

A Beginners Guide to Cybersecurity –

We have three IT security and forensics experts in the virtual studio for this episode! Rob knows next to nothing about cybersecurity so was able to honestly ask questions like “what is a denial of service attack?’ and “how does encryption work?.” Thankfully Judy Kelly (Security Architect with Red Hat), Jimmy McGibney and John Sheppard (both Lecturers from SETU) were on hand to provide the answers. It also includes some practical hints and tips on how you can best protect your personal data and devices. If you’re searching for a starting place to understand computer security, look no further …

Robots in Agriculture –

In this episode we dig into the use of robots in agriculture by speaking with two Irish members of AgRoboFood cluster. Christine O’Meara specialises in commercialisation and innovation and is with WIT’s Walton Institute and Kieran O’Donoghue is a robotics researcher based in Tralee as part of MTU. We discussed practical applications of robots on farms, from picking fruit to targeted pesticide spraying. We also explored the definition of a robot in 2022 and other technological advances in the farming space. The podcast also gives an insight into how large scale EU research is managed across the continent.